What Makes Your Website Succeed Or Fail

The purpose of a website is to connect with the people you’re supposed to serve.

When you have a website, you have a platform that can be used to build relationships with your target audience. These relationships can lead to increased sales, more customers and a better overall experience for everyone involved.

A website can help you connect with your target audience in a number of ways. You can use your website to:

Share information about your products or services
Provide helpful resources
answer customer questions
showcase customer testimonials
announce new product launches or special promotions

It’s about clarity not cleverness.
You may know what you’re selling, your mother may know what you’re selling, but if your visitors don’t know it from the moment they land on one of your pages, you’re doomed. Try looking at your site from a visitors point of view then ask yourself the following questions:

a) Does every page identify the company and/or the product or service?
b) Is the site well organized? Does it progressively drive customers toward a sale?
c) Is each page headline strong enough to achieve impact?
d) Is each image strong enough to achieve impact?
e) Is the text easy to read?
f) Is the copy well-organized? Does it stress the main and subsidiary benefits of your product or service?
g) Is the total physical effect of each page effective in achieving its objective?
h) Does the navigation “track” well in leading the visitor logically through the site?

The key is to remember that your website is more than just a platform for selling things. It’s an opportunity to build relationships with the people you want to do business with.

If you keep that in mind, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your website’s purpose, and that’s make difference for your website success or failure.

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